The Office
Site Index

About: Site Index

Get Started |Calendar |Locations

The following customized Site Index represents the site pages that are available to you:

About: About RidgeStar!

Background: A little background about RidgeStar

Calendar: The RidgeStar Office schedule and scheduled Events

Philosophy: The RidgeStar Corporate Philosophy

People: The People behind RidgeStar

Sites: Our current Client Sites

The Office: The physical RidgeStar Offices

Site Index: Our site index

Locations: RidgeStar Field management!

Introduction: Background and overview of the Facility mechanism

FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions

New Location: Suggest a Location?

New Facility: Suggest a Facility?

Soccer Field: Mapping a spot on a Soccer Pitch

Manual: An HTML based manual and related documentation associated with the RidgeStar Interactive Scheduling system


Audience: Who should use this documentation and how should it be used?

Legal: Notices and Trademarks

Conventions: Standards and conventions used in this documentation

Acknowledgements: Identification of those that helped along the way


What Is It?: What is an Interactive Site?

RidgeStar: The company behind the Interactive Site

History: A brief history of the Interactive Site evolution

Terminology: An introduction to the Site Terminology

Licensing: Licensing issues


Version 6.3: Basic concepts and functions included in Version 6.3

Version 6.2: Basic concepts and functions included in Version 6.2

Version 6.1: Basic concepts and functions included in Version 6.1

Version 6.0: Basic concepts and functions included in Version 6.0

Version 5.4: Basic concepts and functions included in Version 5.4

Version 5.3: Basic concepts and functions included in Version 5.3

Version 5.2: Basic concepts and functions included in Version 5.2

Version 5.1: Basic concepts and functions included in Version 5.1

Version 5.0: Basic concepts and functions included in Version 5.0

Version 4.9: Basic concepts and functions included in Version 4.9

Version 4.8: Basic concepts and functions included in Version 4.8

Version 4.7: Basic concepts and functions included in Version 4.7

Version 4.6: Basic concepts and functions included in Version 4.6

Version 4.5: Basic concepts and functions included in Version 4.5

Version 4.4: Basic concepts and functions included in Version 4.4

Version 4.3: Basic concepts and functions included in Version 4.3

Version 4.2: Basic concepts and functions included in Version 4.2

Version 4.1: Basic concepts and functions included in Version 4.1

Version 4.0: Basic concepts and functions included in Version 4.0

Version 3.2: Basic concepts and functions included in Version 3.2

Version 3.1: Basic concepts and functions included in Version 3.1

Version 3.0: Basic concepts and functions included in Version 3.0


Accounting: What is the Accounting concept?

Audit: What are the Auditing characteristics?

Compensation: How does the site track Referee Compensation?

Confirmation: What is Confirmation?

Directory: What is the Directory?

Logon: What is the Logon process about?

Location: What is a Location?

Match Id: Splitting Matches into categories

MatchReport: What is a MatchReport?

Method: Controlling the method of Position Assignment?

News: What is the RSS/News concept all about?

Profile: What is the Profile?

Ranks: What's the Ranking mechanism about?

Reminders: What are Reminders?

Roles: What are Roles?

SelfAssign: What is SelfAssign all about?

Session: What is a Session?

Status: What is the Position Status?

Turnback: What is a Turnback?


SiteManager: What is a SiteManager?

Page Names: How are the Page Names established?

Look and Feel: What about Look and Feel issues?

Segments: What is a Segment?

Standard Values: Why bother setting up standard database values?

Validation: Should input data fields be validated or not?

Public Segments: How should you determine what's Public?


JavaNames: Using Feature=JavaNames and JavaNames3

Notify: Permits review of any Notifications queued for Feature=Notify delivery

Passwords: Thoughts about passwords

Pop Ups: What are the pop ups that appear throughout the site?

Printing: Can I print information from the Site?

Reset: How to restore/save Criteria combinations?

Responsive: Using a Responsive RidgeStar site

Results List: Using a Results List

Search Criteria: Using a Search Criteria box

Symbols: What are all the Symbols about?

Topics: How to create a new Topic?

Operations: Contains a series of interactive site management tools that permit you to evaluate and monitor the type of usage that is occurring and has occurred at www.RidgeStar.com

Assignment: Establishing an Assignment

Bulk Load: An overview of Bulk Loading operations

Data Prep...: Preparing your data for loading

Direct Deposit: Prepare for Electronic Funds Transfer

Finances: Processing site Finances

Mail: Notifying Referees to changes to existing Assignments

Options: Controlling Site functions via Options

Messaging: Effective Communications

Notification: Using Feature=Notify Browser Notification

Privacy: Suggested Privacy approach towards personal/private information

Reset Password: How do I manage User Password issuance?

Schedule: About the Schedule Rule mapping

UID Allocation: Allocating a UID

UID and SRC: UID processing with the SRC

User-Agent: Dealing with the User-Agent

USSF_API: Understanding the USSF_API

Welcome: How do I welcome a new User to the Chapter?


Committees: Assigning Committees?

Hiding Data: Why can't I hide Assignments from the Referees?

Features: A collection of named functions that may (or may not) be implemented in a RidgeStar Website

Accounting: Feature=Accounting?

Anchor: Feature=Anchor?

Audit: Feature=Audit?

BulkLoad: Feature=BulkLoad?

BulkMail: Feature=BulkMail?

Conflicts: Feature=Conflicts?

Directory: Feature=Directory?

Finances: Feature=Finances?

Fragments: Feature=Fragments?

iCalendar: Feature=iCalendar?

KeySearch: Feature=KeySearch?

Locations: Feature=Locations?

Mail: Feature=Mail?

MessageHelp: Feature=MessageHelp?

Method: Feature=Method?

Multiple: Feature=Multiple?

Options: Feature=Options?

PageText: Feature=PageText?

PasswordReset: Feature=PasswordReset?

Passwords: Feature=Passwords?

Photos: Feature=Photos?

SelfAssign: Feature=SelfAssign?

Shortcuts: Feature=Shortcuts?

Reminder: Feature=Reminder?

Responsive: Feature=Responsive?

SSL: Feature=SSL?

Topics: Feature=Topics?

Turnback: Feature=Turnback?

UID: Feature=UID?


Settings: Manage system wide variables and the Settings that control miscellaneous processes within the site

Album: Configurable Album options?

Alerts: Configurable Alert options?

Assignments: Configurable Album options?

AssignmentMeter: Configurable AssignmentMeter options?

Assignor: Configurable Assignor options?

Audit: Configurable Audit options?

Auditing: Configurable Audit options?

Availability: Configurable Availability options?

BulkLoad: Configurable BulkLoad options?

BulkMail: Configurable options for processing of BulkMail?

Calendar: Configurable Calendar options?

Chapter: Configurable Chapter options?

Chart: Configurable Chart options?

Criteria: Configurable Criteria options?

Data: Configurable MariaDB+Text data options?

Directory: Configurable Directory options?

Evaluation: Configurable Evaluation options?

Exams: Configurable Exams options?

GeoCode: Configurable gGeoCode options?

GoogleAPI: Configurable Google API Key values?

iCalendar: Configurable iCalendar options?

IPMapping: Configurable IPMapping processing options?

JavaNames: Configurable JavaNames processing options?

KeyTranslation: Set up Bulk Load/Update translations?

Lists: Configurable Lists Feature options?

Locations: Configurable Locations options?

Mail: Configurable Mail options?

MinorAuth...: Configurable MinorAuthorization options?

Misconducts: Misconducts configuration?

MissingReports: MissingReports configuration?

NACHA: National Automated Clearing House options?

News: Configurable News (RSS/Atom) options?

NewUsers: Configurable NewUser options?

Notification: Notification configuration?

Notify: Notification Points?

NWS: National Weather Service configuration options?

PageHeader: Configurable PageHeader value?

Paperwork: Configurable Paperwork options?

Password: Configurable Password options?

PhotoUse: Configurable Photo usage options?

Profile: Configurable Profile options?

Questions: Configurable Questions options?

Request: Configurable Assignment Request options?

Reset: Configurable Reset options?

RestClients: Define authorized REST callers?

RestServer: Configurable options for processing ofREST Server/API?

RMA.WSYSA: Configurable Risk Mgmt via WSYSA options?

Rules: Rules available via SelfAssign?

Save: Save Option configuration?

ScheduleMeter: ScheduleMeter configuration?

SiteOperations: Define SiteOperations characteristics?

SoapClients: Define authorized SOAP callers?

SoapServer: Configurable SoapServer values?

SRC: Configurable SRC options?

Tickets: Configurable Tickets options?

Timeout: Configurable Timeout options?

Topics_Upgrade: Configurable Topics_Upgrade options?

TouchLine: Configurable TouchLine options?

Translate: Configurable Feature=Translate options?

UserName: Configurable options for processing of a User Name?

USSF_API: Configurable options for the USSF_API?


Cookies: How does the site use Cookies?

Database: Database definitions and standards

Debug: What is Debug mode?

Diagnose: What is Diagnosis mode?

Properties: What is Properties mode?

Server Software: What Server Software is in use on the Interactive Site?

Setsql: What is Setsql mode?


Sales: Some materials about the Referee Management Site

Reference Sites: Some other sites of interest?

Reference: A collection of Reference materials!

Notices: Announcements, letter, and miscellaneous date oriented items

Settings Format: A new Settings storage format

USSF_API: The U.S. Soccer API

Postfix: The new Mail Server (Postfix, Dovecot, SpamAssassin, RoundCube

TLS Certificates: An announcement about TLS (SSL) certificates

RSU Valuation 2015: An announcement of RSU valuation changes

TouchLine: Feature=TouchLine

Finances: Feature=Finances

WASRC: WASRC Service Interruption

Method=SMTP: Speed up Bulk Email processing?

WA State L&I: WSYSA and WA State Labor and Industries reporting

RSU for Email: An announcement of RSU Emails and POP3 reallocation

RSU for Records: An announcement of RSU Records Fee reduction

RSU Changes: An announcement of RSU Fee reduction

SPF+Bulk Email: Sender Policy Framework and Bulk Email?

SPF: Sender Policy Framework implementation?

To SRSPlus: How to update your Network Solutions registrant email via FAX

Pricing Model: A new RidgeStar Pricing and Fee Structure?

To Linux/Apache: Linux/Apache conversion...

Set Priorities: How are client requests prioritized within RidgeStar?

Email: Postfix/Dovecot Mail Server configuration and operational functions


Email Options:

Email Types:

Hosted at Google:

Junk Email:

Mail Processing:








Color Chart:



Heavy Graphics:

Tables: Retrieve and display the actual definitions for the underlying Database. 5.2 and more recent systems can also Download contents of individual Tables.


What is it?:

Search Engines:


What Web?:



Which ISP?:

Terminology: A list of the key terms and phrases used throughout the www.RidgeStar.com site. You can also obtain a Term's definition anywhere on the site when you see the small gray question mark next to a Term by simply clicking it.

Strange Symbols:

Acrobat Reader:

Domain Names:

Passwords: About logging on and Passwords at RidgeStar





SPF Pulldowns:


XML Processing:

Results Lists:




RidgeStar: Review your Account status at RidgeStar (Billing, Mail Assignments, historical Site Resource consumption)

Copying Panels:




Monitor Activity:


Rest API:

Site Structure:

Site Outline:

Soccer Referee:


Usage Policies:

Wire Time:

Your Environment:

Tools: Access the miscellaneous functions that exist to support RidgeStar objectives

Acrobat Reader:


Compute Age:

Date Differences: Compute the difference between two dates

Dates and Times:

Editing Email:

Fragment Fields:

IP Mapping:

Phone Numbers:

Key Search:

Show Characters: Interpret a character string as binary and hexadecimal characters

Similar: A comparison between 2 character strings using a variety of algorithms

Text Format:

Service: Services available from RidgeStar!

Agreement: About the contract used to obtain RidgeStar services

Content: The contract used to obtain RidgeStar services

Create...: Generate an Acrobat Reader file containing the agreement

Get Started: Interested in getting a project started up?

Do I need one?: Do you need an Internet Site?

Purpose&Goals: Think about these things!

Audience: Who are the individuals you want to attract?

Structure: What about Site contents and structure?

Set Scope: When do RidgeStar and I get together

Look and Feel: What is the process to arrive at a look and feel for the site?

Prototypes: How will I know what my Site will look like?

Production: When will my Site be done?

Sources: A short bibliography and miscellaneous sources

Fees: Fees associated with individual Services

RSUs: RidgeStar Server Units

Service Tiers: Fees associated with Service Tiers

Logon: Identify yourself to RidgeStar

Passwords: About logging on and Passwords at RidgeStar

Reset Password: Initiate a Password reset for your SiteName at RidgeStar