Version 6.3
Version 6.2
Version 6.1
Version 6.0
Version 5.4
Version 5.3
Version 5.2
Version 5.1
Version 5.0
Version 4.9
Version 4.8
Version 4.7
Version 4.6
Version 4.5
Version 4.4
Version 4.3
Version 4.2
Version 4.1
Version 4.0
Version 3.2
Version 3.1
Version 3.0

Manual: Versions-Version 5.1

Get Started |Calendar |Locations

August 2015

Version 5.1 is an incremental upgrade of the RidgeStar Interactive SiteInteractive Site incorporating new concepts and features in the base 5.0 system, as described below:

1. Feature=PasswordInterval enforces periodic Password maintenance
The system can now be configured to require the end user to periodically change the Site access password (to enhance security). The Webmaster controls the frequency of change, as well as when the end User begins to receive a Warning of password expiration. 5 generations of Passwords are maintained, requiring that the end User select a Password different than one that was recently used.
2. Feature=Shortcuts extended to support dynamic elements
Feature=Shortcuts has been extended to provide far more extensive control over the implementation of the elements of the Shortcuts area (all controlled via Options-Shortcuts entries now).
3. Setting=KeyTranslation implements dynamic Key Translation for Bulk Load/Update
It is now possible to translate character data on input to Bulk Load and Bulk Update to a corresponding Key value in cross table relational references (pointers from one database table to another). See Manual: Settings-KeyTranslation for more information.
4. Feature=PasswordScore retains the last Password's PasswordStrength score for query/display
Storing the last Password's PasswordStrength value provides the Webmaster with an indication of the relative quality of a User's Password (higher PasswordStrength scores produces improved Security characteristics for the User and the Site).
5. Feature=REST activates a REST (Representational Status Transfer) Server for remote access to data
The REST Server can be used for a variety of purposes to provide remote access to the data within the Site. As an example, it is used to provide data access to Mobile Apps that interact with the Chapter.
6. Setting=Devices and Mobile Device Notification support
A new, optional database table (Devices) has been added to the system to hold Mobile Device Push Notification strings.
7. TouchLine Support
Generalized support for Sound Software's TouchLine Mobile AppGoing is now available for Chapters desiring Mobile App access to the database and site mechanisms (SelfAssign, etc.)
8.Topic support for YouTube and Vimeo
The YouTube and Vimeo Text Format tags have been added to the system permitting a Topic Author to iFrame embed a Video hosted at one of the popular Video Hosting services.
9. Individual summary chart by day for Referee Assignments
The summary line from SelfAssign's Schedule rule is now extracted and graphically portrayed at entry to the Referee segment for the individual (summarizing graphically the Upcoming Assignments for an individual Referee).

This version of the system is complete and available to existing Clients (contact your account rep)


- The Development Staff