August 2007
Version 4.2 is an incremental upgrade of the RidgeStar Interactive Site
incorporating new concepts and features in the base 4.0 system, as described below:
- 1. Google Maps
- The Google based mapping for the geography around a specific Location has been added to the Location detail display. This is a scrollable, movable map supported via the Google API.
- 2. Services: Notices
- The Services: Notices page's format has been modified to a simple Results List indicating both Notices received as well as Notices initiated.
- 3. Features

- Administrator: RidgeStar-Features is now available, which briefly identifies Features available to all RidgeStar Client Sites and which ones are implemented in the current Site. The Features list is primarily for those logical functions that have been implemented in multiple client sites and, in RidgeStar's opinion, may be of interest to others. It is but one resource available to you to identify what you can do with the site, but the best source for what is available and possible is still your RidgeStar Account Representative.
- 4. Date text field popup aid (CalendarControl
- Input Date fields can now be aided through the implementation of a Java based popup applet by activating the CalendarControl Setting for either Criteria elements or Detail data fields (to demonstrate, click into the following Text input box:
Systems with Java disabled will NOT have the CalendarControl available (they can continue to manually type the appropriate Date into the input box)
- 5. Opt In Lists
- The Lists Feature permits the Chapter to define one or more Opt In Lists for communication with defined Users. Each User can subscribe one or more Email addresses from the Profile to the Lists s/he desires communications from. Subsequent transmissions (via Bulk Email) are then Emailed to the addresses that have subscribed. Communications via the List are also available for review on the Site at Services: Subscription.
- 6. Sessions
- Permits a single Browser to interact with the Site utilizing different Sessions. This is commonly used to support Browsers with multiple tab support so that the actions in one tab will not negatively affect the actions being done in another tab.
This version of the system is complete and available to all existing Clients.
- The Development Staff