October 2006
Version 4.1 is an incremental upgrade of the RidgeStar Referee Management Site incorporating new concepts and features in the base 4.0 system, as described below:
- Password Management (Passwords
- Individual User password's are no longer visible to anyone. The access Password can now be stored in the database in an encrypted fashion (meaning, it can no longer be "read" by anyone, even a Download will be unable to view the Password). User Password maintenance has been moved from Services: Profile to a new Services: Password page. In support of this architectural change, we have replaced the Emailing of the existing password (usually on the Logon function) with an ability for the User to "reset the password" to a random value. Administrators also have a new function (ResetPassword) that will reset the existing password to a new randomly generated password.
- News
Feed Implemented
- Individual Sites can now establish their own "News Feed" utilizing the Internet RSS (Rich Site Summary, RDF Site Summary, Really Simple Syndication, etc.) protocol. This offers an excellent alternative to heavy Bulk Email usage, as well as an effective means to keep Site Users informed about the latest developments on the Site. See Manual: Concepts-News for more detail.
- Page Header
- The format of the Page Header (top right on each page) has been modified to include a link for Logon or Logoff, as well as an automatic page routing pulldown based upon an Administrator specified Setting.
- Symbol Usage
- Additional graphical symbols have been added to the system. The Add (
) symbol replaces the old hypertext linked text for "Add a new entry", PasswordReset (
) resets a user's password to a random value and sends them an email message containing the new password, and the Welcome (
) symbol welcomes a new User to the site (setting a random password, unsetting the NewUser flag, and sending them a customized greeeting message via Email).
- Shortcuts

- A mechanism that permits the Administrator to customize a Shortcut (
) bar at the top of each page making the most frequently used functions a single click away. See Administrator: Options-Shortcuts
- Issues

- Participating Clients can now utilize a Site based mechanism to send questions, enhancement requests and bug reports to RidgeStar from the Site itself (as an alternative to Email). This permits interactive recording of communications between Chapters and RidgeStar, which can be dynamically searched for historical reference. See Administrator: Issues for more information.
- BulkUpdate

- The mechanism for preparing a file offline in .CSV file format to Bulk Load new database records has been extended to permit offline preparation of a file to Bulk Update existing database records. As an example, this can be useful if a Site uilizes a manual, offline mechanism to assign specific Referees to specific Matches.
- Recompute
- A new Action (Recompute) has been added to the bottom of the detail form for an Accounting record. For Match Reports that have not been Billed or Paid, the Match Fees can be recomputed from the then current Fees entries.
- BulFeeUpdate

- This new function permits a set of selected Accounting records to have their Fees recomputed in bulk.
This version of the system has been logically completed as this group of enhancements. Existing Clients CAN request specific features of the 4.1 system (contact your account rep).
- The Development Staff